a_isfor wrote in fyentertainment Dec 04, 2014 20:49
a coalition of negativity, michael bolton, there are no sane stans, people don`t see the facks!!!, o well fuck it i'm drank, adam lambert: craywhisperer, trolls in the amazon, a craydrop in the craybucket, i paddled like a mofo for about 30 min, wrong false and a lie, no monte no problem, this is an annoy community, the beard is to blame for everything :(, a lesbian threw her vagina at me, a camera and questionable morals, ʘ‿ʘ, you no nothing grandad!!!, !!wank post, adam is jew~ish, stfu! uridiocy is showing, i wish jonte's peen wasn't in the way, why did deleted my sandwich?!
a_isfor wrote in fyentertainment May 01, 2014 19:46
typical tjr leg, suck on a gas pipe bitches, crays gonna cray, people don`t see the facks!!!, the penis part definitely happened, shit spiral of doom, go eat a cheese, trolls in the amazon, two fucks and a shit, or to fain a larfe live, grasping at dust particles now, oxymorons, filthy dirty lies, !!wank post, feed full of shits, i don't follow crab artist, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
illestnonnyever wrote in fyentertainment Feb 23, 2014 17:07
i wish them the best since i don't care, keep this crap outta my bert poast, everything is melvin and nothing hurts, full twitter regalia, crays gonna cray, people don`t see the facks!!!, i think hes a but stupid, delicious and nutritious butthurt, i am all for some tin hitting, schfifty five pairs of shoessss., !!wank post, it's the nature of the beast, the markus of sweden, it is indeed a remix. a shit remix, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
binkleywtf wrote in fyentertainment Aug 06, 2013 22:28
it was noted by many on twitter, everything is melvin and nothing hurts, lick yo tears, @hannabec just adam please, uncircumcised penis on the dance floor, [spoiler (click to open)], val doonican, your itineraries aren't really my thing, keeping the comma live, your bitter tears are my bidet, a lesbian threw her vagina at me, bridgeeeeeeeeeeer tiiiiiiiiiiiiimeeee, go fuck yourself shitbags!, ʘ‿ʘ, if u get deleted text or email me..., drogo shuddered dothrakily, no u can't make a suggestion. thanks!!!!, he's a better option than rusty, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯, run forrest run, lolella!!!, the penis part definitely happened, people don`t see the facks!!!, many men sharing the joys of adams penis, obviously not as dump as you, you are just an ingnorant, facial hair is a screenable offense, my hair ain't corn colored, q5 priority, (replies frozen), zebra pants are welcome, jeans in my eyes, circle jerk of mean, !!wank post, why did deleted my sandwich?!, semantics of where adams penis is going
argeneau wrote in fyentertainment Dec 31, 2012 22:42
typical tjr leg, like talking to a brick wall, a limp dick gets deleted quick, people don`t see the facks!!!, majorly flopping with despair, it's an elmo attack!, ʘ‿ʘ, no u can't make a suggestion. thanks!!!!, nonnywankers, illuminati hazmat smock, !!wank post, adam won't be going on a 2yr lds mission, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯, #lesmisgate
orihara_kaoru wrote in fyentertainment Dec 03, 2012 19:39
people don`t see the facks!!!, anal oriented one night stands, there are no homophones on this website, ʘ‿ʘ, no u can't make a suggestion. thanks!!!!, !!wank post, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯, paul lambert